Monday 30 July 2012

Naturally Cooling Homes - Save on Electricity With Whole House Fans

The winter season is soon to be over and after the spring, we would soon be dealing with the high temperature flourishing in most parts of Australia and all over the world. As a matter of fact, living in a home with hot and humid air can be very discomforting and can greatly affect one’s health condition. With a high rise temperature day in and day out, one can develop hypertension and even stroke! Cooling your home during the hot summer days is truly the best way to prevent yourself from suffering heatstroke and other heat related conditions.

We are currently living in a modern world where many different kinds of home cooling appliances and machines are being introduced all over the world particularly in places where high temperatures are eminent. So how do we have to deal with the heat that usually strikes during summer? If you say air conditioning machines then I believe many people would shy away from these appliances simply because they are not only expensive but they also help your electric meter rotate at a rapid pace, making your monthly electric bill soar so high!

If this is going to be the case then what is the best way for use to cool our homes without the need to spend on expensive air cooling appliances and expensive high electric bills? A passive cooling house is simply one of the most practical ways for everyone to cool the temperature inside his house. Passive cooling simply means making use of natural remedies to cool the air inside and make it more comfortable for everyone to stay inside even in the hottest part of the day or night.

When we say natural or passive, we might think of many possible solutions; for one, fanning yourself with a piece of cardboard. Do you think this is a cool idea? Of course, it isn’t. You can’t fan yourself for long hours, can you? What is being referred here as an excellent way to cool your house the passive way is through the use of a whole house fan.

If this is your first time to hear about whole house fans then you have to know that this is actually a kind of fan (a bigger one) which is usually installed on the walls, ceiling, or on the space right below your roof. This kind of natural home cooling machine is powered by electricity but the main difference of it compared to air conditioners is that they do not make your electric meters rotate so fast. This simply means you will never have your monthly electric bills soar so high. This way, you will be able to have the opportunity to cool your house without the issue of tackling high electric costs each month.

Natural cooling  house through a whole house fan is actually the super-charged version of open windows and doors during the night which will then be closed during the day to allow the cold night air to remain inside.

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